Creative Art Direction | Global campaign | BUFF®

Keep Your Cool

Always improving, nowadays the Coolnet UV® tubular comes with the HEIQ® Tecnology, to keep cool in the warmer adventures. Made from to plastic recycled bottles, and keeping the 4 ways stretch and its seamless construction, is the summer evolution of the Original Ecostretch, the core product of the brand.

The idea was to generate a clean motion asset, to be run in several medias, to complete the whole product focus campaign. The aim was to cretae a carry-over animation that could be updated by changing the pattern of the tubular, keeping highlightening the key stle of the season.

Being part of the sustainability campaign angle, the same criteria was applied to the core brand product: the Original Ecostretch tubular. Now, the Original Ecostretch is made from 95% recycled fabric, Repreve® using two clear plastic bottles on the making, that would otherwise go to landfills.

Role: Creative Art Director at Original BUFF® HQ | Global campaign